Welcome to the CADSTARguys Blog - Information, hints, tips and my waffle on the CADSTAR Printed Circuit Board design suite.

Please note that all names used are completely fictitious and any thing written is my own personal opinion or knowledge and not related in any way to either my employers or their customers (or Zuken).
Also this is not a replacement for proper Maintenence/support and you should read the help files before asking anything techy:).

Sunday, 10 May 2015

Create your components to consistent standards for free.

Why are we still making component footprints by hand, making mistakes with them and getting them wrong when there is no need to?

Time & time again I see component footprints made that are poorly made, non standard, inconsistent and often downright wrong!

Yet there are tools out there that will enable us to make all our component footprints to a consistent standard, following IPC7351 guidelines and best of all the best tool for this is FREE!!