Welcome to the CADSTARguys Blog - Information, hints, tips and my waffle on the CADSTAR Printed Circuit Board design suite.

Please note that all names used are completely fictitious and any thing written is my own personal opinion or knowledge and not related in any way to either my employers or their customers (or Zuken).
Also this is not a replacement for proper Maintenence/support and you should read the help files before asking anything techy:).

Thursday, 25 October 2012

Does your dongle driver installation rollback?

Over recent years an issue has arisen where a user has problems installing the Sentinel drivers for the security key (dongle). The installation gets about 60% of the way through and then stops and de installs itself. This prevents a user from licensing CADSTAR.

Generally the reason for this is that the driver installation does a port check and detects that the port that it uses is already in use so rather than create a conflict it will stop and rewind the installation.

This is not a problem with CADSTAR but with the 3rd party drivers and other software.

The port in use is 6002, this has been used by the Sentinel drivers for many years and the program that is now also using it appears to be National Instruments software to communicate with hardware etc.

So what to do about this problem?

The NI software could be removed, this often cures the issue - however it is understood that often both need to work in paralleln the same PC. The Sentinel driver cannot have its port changed prior to installation as it is pre packaged - however it can be changed after installation. What to do next?

 I will explain the procedure below, please note the actual NI software name/file may change over time so just use common sense as it could be any one of their programs.

The National Instruments Variable Engine Service (found in Control Panel » Administrative Tools » Services) uses port 5000+ and 6000+ so it is recommended to temporarily disable this service then reboot the PC. Given that the NI driver name may differ I would simply disable all NI software.
(This is only a temporary disablement so do not get worried about doing it - you will not break anything).

Ensure that neither the hardware key or the National Instruments hardware is plugged into the PC during the following operation.

The Sentinel Protection Server should then install correctly as which point you can change the port that it uses.

To change the port number of the sentinel drivers:

Change the port by editing the sntlconfigsrvr.xml file located into the default folder:
C:\Program Files\Common Files\SafeNet Sentinel\Sentinel Protection Server\WinNT
 (If it is not there - search for it.)

Open the .xml file (using Notepad.exe) and scroll down till you find the description as below:

<!-- Type port number to use for receiving license monitor request using HTTP protocol. -->

<!-- Please note that a value of zero would mean that License monitoring will be blocked. -->


6002 *** type here the port number you would like to use ***


Change the port number according to your available ports then restart the service "Sentinel Protection Server" and also re enable the National Instruments Services and reboot your PC.

Here is a link to ports that may already be used. (it takes a long time to load.)

This should then allow both CADSTAR and National Instruments software to operate on the same PC.


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